Alejandro Estivill

Lecturas que han llamado la atención
"Given the postulate of insignificance and progressive cancellation or erasure, why should writers bother to write and readers to misread? Is the whole affair a mere self-deception? Roland Barthes’s concept of jouissance, of the lightly orgasmic effects produced by the eroticization of the discursive process and of its reception, is one possible answer. Derrida’s more covert resort to language-games is another." (desde "Real Presences" de George Steiner)
"Does deconstruction not lead us right back to inherited practices of readings in depth, of decoding, be they those of religious exegesis, of traditional hermeneutics or of psychoanalytic unravelling? But it is precisely the mechanism of infinite regress, of ultimate undecidability in all such strategies which deconstruction points to." (desde "Real Presences" de George Steiner)
"Poems simply prefigure, this is to say anticipate, their own misreadings." (desde "Real Presences" de George Steiner)
"Given the postulate of insignificance and progressive cancellation or erasure, why should writers bother to write and readers to misread? Is the whole affair a mere self-deception? Roland Barthes’s concept of jouissance, of the lightly orgasmic effects produced by the eroticization of the discursive process and of its reception, is one possible answer. Derrida’s more covert resort to language-games is another." (desde "Real Presences" de George Steiner)